Ayla Brandywine

Witch, mother, exile, smuggler, bartender, moonshiner, whore—two centuries is time enough for a woman to wear many hats.


Ample breasts, a wide, doughy backside, and a soft, smooth midriff give this tall Rava woman a mature, matronly figure that stands in contrast to her people's reputation for svelte, predatory physiques. From the laugh lines near her dazzlingly green eyes and the hints of gray in her auburn bangs and tufted ears, Ayla must be nearing the end of her second century. Still, she bears the marks of her adventurous youth: simple tribal tattoos, an emerald teardrop hanging in the hollow of her belly button, and a host of small scars that each tell the story of a jungle misadventure.Though her voice has a rich, smokey quality to it, she speaks with the breathy accent common to tribal viera, and sometimes still struggles with Eorzean grammar. She has mostly assimilated into Eorzean culture, though, adopting the local mode of dress even down to the two-piece tanlines on her freckled skin. That skin also bears a trio of Eorzean-style tattoos over and among her tribal markings.


Ayla Brandywine presents a warm and congenial face to the world, in love with life and always willing to share that love. But two centuries of life experience have left her with no naivete or blind optimism. She is shrewd and determined in pursuit of her own goals. This duality can lead to rude awakenings for people who move from ally or bystander to obstacle in her calculations.


"Tell me what you want; I'll tell you what it costs."Goods – Reductions and infusions, decoctions and distillations, emulsions and percolations, potions and poltices. Ayla has spent her entire formidable life leveraging her natural talents for precision, patience, and perception to great success in the interlocking fields of cooking, brewing, mixology, and alchemy. It's all just chemistry, after all.Services – "Brandy" (Ms. Brandy if you nasty) has worked at a number of Eorzea's more salacious clubs and bars, typically as a "bookable" bartender. She is currently a courtesan of the Veiled Star. For a good time call...Legitimate Business Woman – Ayla has been her own advocate since the day she left Golmore behind. She has learned to negotiate profitable deals and make the right sort of friends. She knows how to move people and things where they need to go, regardless of the laws or territories involved.